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Strike: Appeal court orders ASUU to resume work immediately


Strike: Appeal court orders ASUU to resume work immediately

A Court of Appeal in Abuja has ordered members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) to end their eight-month-long strike and return to class immediately.

The order was issued by the appellate court in response to the striking lecturers' request for permission to appeal the National Industrial Court's order ordering them to return to work.

The three-member panel, led by Justice Hamman Barka, stated that calling off the strike is the only condition on which the union's request to appeal the National Industrial Court's ruling ordering the union to call off its strike will be granted.

Following the ruling, the Appeal Court gave ASUU seven days to file an appeal as a result of obeying the lower court's decision.

On September 21, the National Industrial Court ordered ASUU to end its strike.

Also Read: BREAKING: Court orders ASUU to Call off Strike

The order came after the Federal Government filed a notice urging the lecturers to return to the classrooms.

In his decision on the interlocutory injunction, the trial judge, Justice Polycarp Hamman, restrained ASUU from continuing with the strike until the Federal Government's suit against ASUU was resolved.

Dissatisfied with the ruling, the union filed an appeal with the appellant court.

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