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ASUU calls off 8-month-old strike


ASUU calls off 8-month-old strike

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has temporarily halted its eight-month-long strike.

According to a member of the union's National Executive Committee who spoke to Channels TV in the early hours of Friday, the decision to end the strike was made at a meeting convened by the Union's leadership on Thursday night and lasted into the early hours of today.

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The union called the meeting to determine its next course of action after its state branches met last week in response to the Court of Appeal ruling.

Members agreed to suspend the strike, which began on February 14, on the condition that the federal government offset its salary arrears and meet its stated demands within 30 days.

The strike was also halted in accordance with a recent Court of Appeal ruling, which ordered the union to halt the strike until its appeal of the ruling ordering lecturers to resume work could be heard.

The appeal court gave ASUU until today to comply or face contempt charges.

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