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2023: SDP Presidential Candidate Vows To Ensure Women Inclusive in Government


2023: SDP Presidential Candidate Vows To Ensure Women Inclusive in Government

...Says family empowerment will help Nigeria grow exponentially.

Adewale Adebayo, presidential candidate of the Social Democratic Party, has stated that if the Social Democratic Party is enthroned in Nigeria in 2023, it will explore the asset of Nigerian women to manage national resources for a better Nigeria.

He made the remarks during a three-day conference with Presidential candidates in Abuja organized by the Nigerian Women Search for Good Governance.

He stated that he has had experience with the managerial asset of the Nigerian woman as an employer of labor, and he believes that such an asset would turn the fortunes of Nigeria around when deployed for national growth and development.

In his words: “If you want to empower families, you have to empower women. I’m also an employer of labour. I became an employer of labour when I was 22 years old. I have been employing people overtime. Overtime, I have employed women and men.

“If you find out from organisations that I’ve been running for many years before I thought I will be in politics, 80-85 per cent of my managers are women.

“It is not because they know how to dress elegantly, it’s because they know how to manage and care. The truth of the matter is that Nigerian society and the Nigerian government don’t look alike.

“In Nigerian society, the women carry the verdict and the women run the show but in the Nigerian government, the men take everything. This has to change. If we can listen to women, we will know the problem of Nigeria and solve them.”

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He insisted that if the Nigerian government allowed the woman to use her housewife skills to manage public resources, Nigeria would be saved from many problems.

 “A government should be like a housewife. If you want to have a government that will work in Nigeria, you have to fashion the government like a housewife. The government will wake up and think of how people will eat and go to school.

“With the way I approach governance, women have a major role to play because I grew up well taken care off. In fact, my attitude to governance arose from the fact that I grew up in innocence.

“The problems of government did not affect me that much because of the family from which I came",he said.

Adebayo maintained that empowering the Nigerian family through multiple opportunities influenced by an enabling environment for all types of skills will allow the country to bloom once more.

“And my aim, therefore, is to make sure that however long I stay in power or government, whether long or short, I will empower families. Because failure to empower families is the problem of Nigeria,” Adebayo said.

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