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"I find it offensive" - Actress Juliet Ibrahim calls out men who propose only when their girlfriends becomes pregnant

 Ghanaian actress, Juliet Ibrahim, has call out men who only propose when a woman is pregnant for them.

The actress who shared her view on the issue on instagram said that it's offensive that men only wait till their girlfriends become pregnant before proposing.

Read post below: 

"I find it quite confusing and offensive that most guys nowadays will only propose and think of proposing to a woman ‘only’ when she says she’s pregnant,”

"So, you’ll be chopping somebody’s daughter for months/years and it won’t click to you that she’s wife material all those period but only when she says ‘I’m pregnant,’ you’ll now remember she’s fit to be wife material?

"It’s like everybody is playing a game everywhere I turn now. What’s happening to this generation? Anyway, what do I know?."

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