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Video:Impregnating your wife is a sin, taking medicines and chewing gum is a sin - Preacher claims

 An unidentified preacher has claimed that men impregnating their wives, taking medicine and chewing gum are all sin.

The preacher who was spotted in a bus stop at southeast state made the claims while preaching to passengers in the park.

The preacher went further to justify himself by saying that not all women who have sex do get pregnant.

He advised men who got their wives pregnant to tender an apology and ask for their forgiveness while concluding by saying that having children is not necessary in marriage.

However, when questioned by passengers he went further to state that he never said marriage is a sin but getting your wife pregnant is a sin.

He also said that bleaching, taking medicine, chewing, wearing wrist watches, wearing trouser, and rings are all sin.

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