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Anonymous persons behind a Squid Game cryptocurrency officially made away off with $3.38 million

 According to report, anonymous individuals behind a squid game crypto-currency have officially scammed people and made a way with over $3.38 million.

The squid game lost its value with about 310,000% being jumped after twitter flagged the account over suspicious activity .

Before then, the peaked price was $2,861 but it plummeted to $0 around 5:40 a.m. ET., according to the website CoinMarketCap.

The token purchase which started in 20th October with the idea of turning it into online game was supposed to be officially launch in November.

However, a crypto-currency website price tracking, CoinMarketCap, had warned users before now over being scammed.

One of the anonymous Squid investor told CoinMarketCap that he lost all he had after investing $5,000 into the cryptocurrency.

#Lookwellbeforeinvesting #Cryptocurrency.

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